Burlesque 101
Our introduction to burlesque is suited for every size, gender, and ability. Taught by Holly Dai and Kissy LaMay, this classes teaches the basics of burlesque during a six week course. Our course outline and descriptions are listed here. This class focuses on polished classic burlesque and we incorporate movement into each class to create your own burlesque routine! The class includes six group lessons and three private lessons followed by a public showcase. After graduation there is a student gathering soiree, a wonderful opportunity to continue the connection with your community of burgeoning burlesque starlets. Click here to register for the upcoming class.

Visiting Instructor Workshops
We are proud to be the host to many visiting instructors from around the nation. Past instructors that have taught workshops for Holly Dai include Dr. Lucky Phd, Shanghai Pearl, Violetta Berretta, Darlinda Just Darlinda, Minnie Tonka, Anita Cookie, GiGi LaFemme, Clams Casino, Honi Harlow, and many more in the future. Workshops vary from beginner to master classes. Please consider signing up for our mailing list to be the first to know about special guests in the Portland area. To see who may be coming into town please view our details on our visiting instructors page here.

Advance Burlesque
This is our next guided step in learning the art form of burlesque, suited for every size, gender, and ability. Taught by Holly Dai and Kissy LaMay, this classes continues the education of burlesque during a seven week course. This class focuses on polished classic burlesque and we incorporate movement into each class to create your own burlesque routine! The class includes five group lessons and two private lessons followed by a public showcase. After graduation there is a student gathering soiree, a wonderful opportunity to continue the connection with your community of burgeoning burlesque starlets. This class is focused on tightening performance and stepping up dancing to the next level. REQUIRED: Completion of All that Glitters Burlesque Academy Burlesque 101 or performance of at least a year.

Fan-dancing Workshop
Holly Dai teaches a 4-week fan dancing class. Taught as a teaser at the JamBallah Festival 2011 course knowledge can be utilized by burlesque performers and belly-dancers alike. Discover range of motion, peeling with fans, act creation with fans, and DIY fan making. Limited supply of small hand fans available. Please bring your own fans or buy a pair of custom hand made fans from Holly Dai prior to the workshop here. Please visit here for upcoming classes.