BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20// CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-FROM-URL: X-WR-TIMEZONE:America/Los_Angeles BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/Los_Angeles X-LIC-LOCATION:America/Los_Angeles BEGIN:STANDARD DTSTART:20171105T020000 TZOFFSETFROM:-0700 TZOFFSETTO:-0800 TZNAME:PST END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT DTSTART:20180311T020000 TZOFFSETFROM:-0800 TZOFFSETTO:-0700 TZNAME:PDT END:DAYLIGHT END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20171121T094525Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-US:Burlesque 101 CONTACT:All That Glitters Burlesque Academy\; allthatglittersburlesque@gmai DESCRIPTION:Students explore types of teases\, music visualization\, and be ginning movement\nOur introduction to burlesque is suited for every size\, gender\, and ability. Taught by Holly Dai and Satira Sin this classes tea ches the basics of burlesque during a six week course. This class focuses on polished classic burlesque and we incorporate movement into each class to create your own burlesque routine! The class includes six group lessons and three private lessons followed by a public showcase. After graduation there is a student gathering soiree\, a wonderful opportunity to continue the connection with your community of burgeoning burlesque starlets.\nTic kets: DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20180121T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20180121T180000 GEO:+45.519972;-122.662991 LOCATION:Ragtime Dance Studio @ 232 SE Oak St\, Portland\, OR 97214\, USA SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Burlesque 101 2018 Session-Class One URL: 6-session-class-one/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n
\\nStudents explore types of teases\, music visualization\ , and beginning movement
\nOur introduction to burlesque is suited f or every size\, gender\, and ability. Taught by Holly Dai and Satira Sin t his classes teaches the basics of burlesque during a six week course. This class focuses on polished classic burlesque and we incorporate movement i nto each class to create your own burlesque routine! The class includes si x group lessons and three private lessons followed by a public showcase. A fter graduation there is a student gathering soiree\, a wonderful opportun ity to continue the connection with your community of burgeoning burlesque starlets.
\nTickets: https://www.brownpapertickets.c om/event/593963.
X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-US:Burlesque\,classes\,sessions X-COST:$275 X-TICKETS-URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20171121T094525Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-US:Burlesque 101 CONTACT:All That Glitters Burlesque Academy\; allthatglittersburlesque@gmai DESCRIPTION:Beginning prep work for costume design first have of class and dance movement during second half. \nOur introduction to burlesque is suit ed for every size\, gender\, and ability. Taught by Holly Dai and Satira S in\, this classes teaches the basics of burlesque during a six week course . This class focuses on polished classic burlesque and we incorporate move ment into each class to create your own burlesque routine! The class inclu des six group lessons and three private lessons followed by a public showc ase. After graduation there is a student gathering soiree\, a wonderful op portunity to continue the connection with your community of burgeoning bur lesque starlets.\nTickets: DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20180128T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20180128T180000 GEO:+45.519972;-122.662991 LOCATION:Ragtime Dance Studio @ 232 SE Oak St\, Portland\, OR 97214\, USA SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Burlesque 101 2018 Session-Class Two URL: 6-session-class-two/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n \\n
\nBeginning prep wo
rk for costume design first have of class and dance movement during second
Our introduction to burlesque is suited for every size\, g ender\, and ability. Taught by Holly Dai and Satira Sin\, this classes tea ches the basics of burlesque during a six week course. This class focuses on polished classic burlesque and we incorporate movement into each class to create your own burlesque routine! The class includes six group lessons and three private lessons followed by a public showcase. After graduation there is a student gathering soiree\, a wonderful opportunity to continue the connection with your community of burgeoning burlesque starlets.
\nTickets: 330.
X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-US:Burlesque\,classes\,sessions X-COST:$275 X-TICKETS-URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20171121T094525Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-US:Burlesque 101 CONTACT:All That Glitters Burlesque Academy\; allthatglittersburlesque@gmai DESCRIPTION:Practicing face\, working with costumes and striping choreograp hy. \nOur introduction to burlesque is suited for every size\, gender\, an d ability. Taught by Holly Dai and Satira Sin\, this classes teaches the b asics of burlesque during a six week course. This class focuses on polishe d classic burlesque and we incorporate movement into each class to create your own burlesque routine! The class includes six group lessons and three private lessons followed by a public showcase. After graduation there is a student gathering soiree\, a wonderful opportunity to continue the conne ction with your community of burgeoning burlesque starlets.\nTickets: http :// DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20180204T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20180204T180000 GEO:+45.519972;-122.662991 LOCATION:Ragtime Dance Studio @ 232 SE Oak St\, Portland\, OR 97214\, USA SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Burlesque 101 2018-Class Three URL: ing-session-class-three/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n \\nPracticing face\, working with costumes and striping c horeography.
\nOur introduction to burlesque is suited for every si ze\, gender\, and ability. Taught by Holly Dai and Satira Sin\, this class es teaches the basics of burlesque during a six week course. This class fo cuses on polished classic burlesque and we incorporate movement into each class to create your own burlesque routine! The class includes six group l essons and three private lessons followed by a public showcase. After grad uation there is a student gathering soiree\, a wonderful opportunity to co ntinue the connection with your community of burgeoning burlesque starlets .
\nTickets: /1252330.
X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-US:Burlesque\,classes\,sessions X-COST:$275 X-TICKETS-URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20171121T094525Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-US:Burlesque 101 CONTACT:All That Glitters Burlesque Academy\; allthatglittersburlesque@gmai DESCRIPTION:Polished hair and makeup lessons. During this date each student will also have set appointments for their one-on-one lesson.\nOur introdu ction to burlesque is suited for every size\, gender\, and ability. Taught by Holly Dai and Tana the Satira Sin\, this classes teaches the basics of burlesque during a six week course. This class focuses on polished classi c burlesque and we incorporate movement into each class to create your own burlesque routine! The class includes six group lessons and three private lessons followed by a public showcase. After graduation there is a studen t gathering soiree\, a wonderful opportunity to continue the connection wi th your community of burgeoning burlesque starlets.\nTickets: https://www.b DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20180211T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20180211T180000 GEO:+45.519972;-122.662991 LOCATION:Ragtime Dance Studio @ 232 SE Oak St\, Portland\, OR 97214\, USA SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Burlesque 101 2018-Class Four URL: X-COST-TYPE:external X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n \\nPolished hair and makeup lessons. Du ring this date each student will also have set appointments for their one- on-one lesson.
\nOur introduction to burlesque is suited for every s ize\, gender\, and ability. Taught by Holly Dai and Tana the Satira Sin\, this classes teaches the basics of burlesque during a six week course. Thi s class focuses on polished classic burlesque and we incorporate movement into each class to create your own burlesque routine! The class includes s ix group lessons and three private lessons followed by a public showcase. After graduation there is a student gathering soiree\, a wonderful opportu nity to continue the connection with your community of burgeoning burlesqu e starlets.
\nTickets: https://www.brownpapertickets .com/event/1252330.
X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-US:Burlesque\,classes\,sessions X-COST:$275 X-TICKETS-URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20171121T094525Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-US:Burlesque 101 CONTACT:All That Glitters Burlesque Academy\; allthatglittersburlesque@gmai DESCRIPTION:Practicing face\, practicing showmanship and parade choreograph y. This is the second one-on-one lesson appointment date.\nOur introductio n to burlesque is suited for every size\, gender\, and ability. Taught by Holly Dai and Tana the Tattooed lady\, this classes teaches the basics of burlesque during a six week course. This class focuses on polished classic burlesque and we incorporate movement into each class to create your own burlesque routine! The class includes six group lessons and three private lessons followed by a public showcase. After graduation there is a student gathering soiree\, a wonderful opportunity to continue the connection wit h your community of burgeoning burlesque starlets.\nTickets: DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20180218T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20180218T180000 GEO:+45.519972;-122.662991 LOCATION:Ragtime Dance Studio @ 232 SE Oak St\, Portland\, OR 97214\, USA SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Burlesque 101 2018-Class Five URL: X-COST-TYPE:external X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n \\n
g face\, practicing showmanship and parade choreography. This is the secon
d one-on-one lesson appointment date.
Our introduction to burlesqu e is suited for every size\, gender\, and ability. Taught by Holly Dai and Tana the Tattooed lady\, this classes teaches the basics of burlesque dur ing a six week course. This class focuses on polished classic burlesque an d we incorporate movement into each class to create your own burlesque rou tine! The class includes six group lessons and three private lessons follo wed by a public showcase. After graduation there is a student gathering so iree\, a wonderful opportunity to continue the connection with your commun ity of burgeoning burlesque starlets.
\nTickets: htt p://
X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-US:Burlesque\,classes\,sessions X-COST:$250 X-TICKETS-URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20171121T094525Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-US:Burlesque 101 CONTACT:All That Glitters Burlesque Academy\; allthatglittersburlesque@gmai DESCRIPTION:Parade choreography\, costume troubleshooting and full run thro ugh\nOur introduction to burlesque is suited for every size\, gender\, and ability. Taught by Holly Dai and Tana the Tattooed lady\, this classes te aches the basics of burlesque during a six week course. This class focuses on polished classic burlesque and we incorporate movement into each class to create your own burlesque routine! The class includes six group lesson s and three private lessons followed by a public showcase. After graduatio n there is a student gathering soiree\, a wonderful opportunity to continu e the connection with your community of burgeoning burlesque starlets.\nTi ckets: DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20180225T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20180225T180000 GEO:+45.519972;-122.662991 LOCATION:Ragtime Dance Studio @ 232 SE Oak St\, Portland\, OR 97214\, USA SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Burlesque 101 2018 Session-Class Six URL: X-COST-TYPE:external X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n \\n
\nParade choreography\,
costume troubleshooting and full run through
Our introduction to burlesque is suited for every size\, gender\, and ability. Taught by Holly Dai and Tana the Tattooed lady\, this classes teaches the basics of burle sque during a six week course. This class focuses on polished classic burl esque and we incorporate movement into each class to create your own burle sque routine! The class includes six group lessons and three private lesso ns followed by a public showcase. After graduation there is a student gath ering soiree\, a wonderful opportunity to continue the connection with you r community of burgeoning burlesque starlets.